Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What are you working on Wednesdays!

Oh the Baby sophisticate!   Every little boy needs one right?  Little grandpa sweaters on little boys are just plain adorable.  This was actually the first sweater that I made.  It was a great, fun, fast pattern.  I made the adult version as well (which I will show you at another time).   Fisher is happy with this sweater (or so it seems) he just won't sit still for any pictures, my wild boy he is.  We alway say the quote "I'm a wild man I can't drive 55!"  A quote I am sure not many know but it is from this cheesy cartoon from way back when.  Fisher is a on the go type of boy.  He is always getting into everything,  he is outside a lot where he can roam free and can't get into to much trouble.  He is like his sister in this way.  It just seems everything is a little bit better for them when they are outside.  Both of them as babies would calm down right away the second we would step outside.  Like a internal switched was flipped.
 I think that it will still fit him this fall.  If not I will probably make him another one as they are too cute to pass up.  That or maybe the  Wonderful Wallaby another adorable option that I have yet to try.  What do you think?   I keep thinking of making one of these for everyone in my family but that thought is easier said then done.
Please join the lovely Ginny  and all the talented ladies over at yarn along today.


  1. NICOLE! This is SOOOO Beautiful! I am so impressed.

  2. I just made the same sweater in almost the same color yarn! I will post pictures next week after it gets to the recipient. Is there a pattern for the adult version or did you just modify the baby sweater? I am thinking of making it for my hubby.

    Oh - and ADORABLE little boy, by the way!

    1. There is a adult pattern! With the adult pattern I did have a bit of trouble with the collar and it did turn out rather large. This could have been user error though ! Here is the link to it http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/sophisticate-2

  3. What a beautiful sweater, fitting for such a beautiful boy! I'm going to have to learn to knit now!

  4. So cute! I have added the sweater to my list of ones to knit for my boys!

  5. oh! that is so CUTE!! would love to see more pictures of this! I am not doing much in ways of patterns yet, but am going to save this one for sure!!

  6. So very adorable. Looks nice and comfy for moving and playing.

  7. What a sweat sweater on a sweet sweet boy! Great knitting!

  8. great sweater, great fit and wow, you really had to get a photo fast!!

  9. A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E
    That is all :)
    Have a wonderful week.

  10. Aww to sweet! Both the sweater and the model.
