Tuesday, July 9, 2013

What are you working on Wednesday!

I am done with the Emma tunics and I do love how they both turned out.  This is a awesome pattern.  The collar was a tad confusing but I think that was my lack of fully paying attention.  I love the fit and versatility of it.  It fit Fisher (large 15 month old) like a cute dress and  the same one fit Harper (4 going to be five) as a vest.  So I think they will last a long time!  I made both of these for other people's little babies.  One for a good friends first birthday and the other for a baby due in a few months.  I hope they get the larger pattern out soon.  Until then I am going to make the larger one as a vest for Harper (it has to be pink with purple stripes  she declares!) Be sure to tune In tomorrow as I am going to give one Emma tunic pattern away for one winner.
My Ravelry  notes are here if interested.  Please join Ginny   and the other talented ladies over at her blog today for yarn along! 


  1. Those are so cute! It is lovely to knit for little ones, they get so much wear out of our knitted delights and we so much joy at seeing our handy-work worn with no complaining! At 13 and 15 my girls are VERY particular about what knits they will wear!

    1. I getting nervous about that. At just five Harper is very particular about what she will and won't wear. I have made a few things that she refuses to wear.

  2. Those buttons are perfect. Simple but not plain. They turned out beautifully.

    1. Thanks! I like them too. I have made some bad choices in the button department before so I was glad these worked out!

  3. how lovely! great that they can last a long time also!

    1. I agree that is one of the best features nth pattern. It is so fun to knit for kids but I am always a little sad at how quickly they outgrow the stuff I make them.

  4. Beautiful! I will have to check out that pattern for my new granddaughter!

    1. What a lucky grand daughter! A knitting grandma would be so fun! Be sure to swing by Tom I am giving away one pattern to this, I am sure your little granddaughter would look awesome in it!

  5. I want one for myself. Adorable.

    1. I know right! I would hands down live in it if it came in our size!
