Tuesday, June 25, 2013

What are you working on Wednesday!

While I have made these Pheobes  a while ago,  I just got to taking pictures of them.  This pattern was so fun to do.  Fisher loves these and kept grabbing at them while I was knitting so I am guessing I will be making a third.  I loved making the heads and  body but felt like it took forever to get through the arms and legs.  I made Hucks mouse (whom he has cleverly named mousey) a pebble vest to match his.  Harper was upset during the photo shot,  she had spilled a bunch of glue on her earlier and it was bothering her but she didn't want to take it off either because it hurt her.  Huck really has taken to his mouse more then Harper and looks for it as a source of comfort.  One  morning when I peeked on him, he had tucked he and mousey into some blankets (he refuses to sleep with any blankets).  I highly recommend this pattern and I hope my kids treasure for quite sometime!
Please visit Ginny  for other peoples projects that they are workin on!


  1. awww, they are so cute!!! Good job!!

  2. Very cute, I just cast on for my first Phoebe, can't wait to see it finished!

    1. I am excited to see your finished product too! I hope you like the pattern as much as I did. The books are us h a fun read as well!

  3. I think they are both very happy with their presents! They look awesome!

  4. way to go! they look wonderful and that they are already being loved!!

  5. love them! I made my daughter and her friend (whose birthdays are just days apart) lambys for their birthdays. it was a fun pattern. I should make them clothes too. I never thought of that.

    1. Yes clothes for stuffed animals are not only fun but super fast too! How fun that you have friends just days apart!

  6. Thanks everyone for the kind comments! I really did love this pattern and how they turned out! Thanks for taking the time to read my blog!

  7. Cute little mouses. Lucky little people.
