Friday, June 21, 2013


We made it!! It was a eventful ride up that took us so long due to weather and a few extra stops.  Getting in there was stressful because we had no electricity due to the storms and poor Jazz (our bulldog) could barley breath.  The kids didn't get to bed till almost midnight beucase of the comotion of the night.  All that was erased when we spent the day on the beach!  Where Fisher got to go in the water (head first a few times...wild boy) and we all played in the sand and Alex found a baby turtle, who was released back into the water, after Harper held it for a while.  We named the turtle cyber diamond (by we I mean Harper and Huck).  Harper  was worried that the baby might get hurt from all the sticks in the water.  She loves animals so, I told her the turtle is probably back with its moma and holding hands to which she replied "Mooom turtles don't hold hands!"  We are going to look up and see what kind of turtles they are and learn more about them.  Huck asked if we can stay another night,  Harper asked if we can stay for six more weeks.  It's safe to say we are having fun.

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