Tuesday, August 27, 2013

What are you working on Wednesdays!

     I have been working on Harper's bulle.  So far this pattern has been very straight forward and easy!  It is going much faster then I thought, which is a pleasant surprise.   There is often times when I am knitting something for Harper and I wish that there was a grown up version of it.   In this pattern there is!  It can be found here.  It is the first thing I am going to knit myself when I am done losing all of my baby weight!  (losing the baby weight is a whole different post that I have been meaning to bring up, I will post on it soon!)  I love this designers patterns, they are adorable and seem so cosy. 
     Harper is so excited for me to finish this.  When got back from the yarn store with her yarn she told me "OK Mom, I will watch Fisher for you, so you can start right now on my dress, my birthday is coming up soon.  Go get your needles and get started right away, you don't have to worry about Fisher one bit."  Such a sweet girl.  Whenever she sees me working on it, she comes and inspects it.  lately she has been saying, "oh yeah that is just how I want it! Now don't do anymore, take it off the needles and put it on me right away." She kills me. 
     My girls is quite the crafter herself.   Huck was sick with croup earlier this week and she said wanted to make something for him and surprise him and make him feel better.  On lazy afternoons she will often say "Mom let's sew something."  What I need to do is have a bunch of little projects ready to go and when she asks that she can choose which one she wants to do and we will make it.  Usually by the time I get out all of my supplies and we decided on something,  we no longer have those moments to ourselves.  When Fisher is around there is NO crafting.  That kid is obsessed with sewing pedals, yarn, knitting needles you name it and he is into it.  I can't tell you how many times I have left a room to come back and find him running around with my yarn and my project taken off of it's needles and a bunch of dropped stitches.   There is never a dull moment with that kid!
     What re you working on?  Please join the lovely Ginny and other ladies over at yarn along today.

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