Tuesday, August 20, 2013

What are you working on Wednesdays!

     Last winter, I made this Pixie hat for Fisher.  I was new to knitting (still am really) and I remember feeling like this hat was taking forever!  Slowly knit on size 3 needles.  I wrote out the entire pattern and went by the number since I didn't trust myself with being able to see exactly what I was doing.  Truthfully, I would do this again.
     All that hard work truly paid off and I would do it again.  This hat instantly become my favorite hat.  I followed Sew Liberated advice and made the collar with two i cords instead of a button and I really liked being able to tie it off.  If you don't know Meg's site, I highly recommend it!  I love her site, she is one of those people that is so talented at what they do! You know those people that with every thing they do, they do so well and so cool?  Well that is her!  Plus her sons name is Finn so naturally she won some bonus points with me.
     The hat was a easy knit even though it did take me a little bit.  The size seems like it will fit for quite some time.  It also fit Huck (who is three) and he often stole it and wore it around.  My kids have abnormally large heads so if still fits them, I think it will fit most for quite a few years (I made the small size)  I thought about making one for Huck too, but just haven't got around to it.   I love the look of these on newborns and if I ever get faster at knitting then I would love this to be my go to baby gift!  This and a pebble of course!
     Please join Ginny and the other lovely ladies over at yarn along today!


  1. Your Fisher looks so happy about his new hat- just beaming. looks so cozy and warm.

  2. how adorable! the hat and your baby!

  3. So sweet! The knitting community is always good for tips anywhere one might be in their knitting journey! :)

  4. that hat is so cute!! very lovely! and cutest picture!! :)
