Thursday, January 30, 2014


This sweet boy is so brave and so four where trips to the hospital  are unfortunately becoming more and more regular.  Twice in ten days in fact!  Nothing major just a good bang and a good cut.   Huck is so sweet when there always tells them the whole story of what happened in great detail.  The first time the doctor kept talking to me and asking me to answer all the questions.  Huck would quickly intercede and tell his story and I could tell the doctor was being kind but really just wanted the fast version.   The second time we went the doctor never once asked me a question and only asked Huck.  He not only seemed very interested in the WHOLE story he would ask further details (that had nothing to do with the injury, he was just gaining Hucks trust) These little things matter to kids.  The doctor also had a batman sticker on his ID badge and cut out a picture of buzz light years face and stuck it on his face of the ID.  Huck of course caught it right away and thought it was great.   Children's is the bomb and I am SO thankful they are a mere 10 minutes away.  One cute thing is when there, Huck prefers for everyone to call him Huckleberry and not just Huck.  Guess he feels like being more formal with the doctors.   Now he is home and sleeping on my lap.  He has earned this nap after a day like this.   Sleep on sweet boy!  

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Full speed

We having been going full speed ahead.  I have been keeping up very well and on Monday I feel as though I hit a wall.  We keep pushing a head though because that is all there is to do at this point.  Moving is such a awesome experience but also very draining on many levels.   I do enjoy our snuggles on those down times!   The kids are so excited to move and love going to the house to visit.  So far getting their mail is their most favorite thing to do.  

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


As he is getting older these moment are so rare. Nap snuggles, yes I will take it!  CBS takes everything out of him.  These moments I am confident in my decision to homeschool it is so easy for this kid to be overdone.   I couldn't imagine going through the process again today.  Wednesdays he always needs so much rest.  For us, for him, it is right.  For now anyways.  Sleep on sleepy boy.  

Back to CBS!

We went back to CBS today from winter break!!  Huck woke me at 5:45 completely dressed with boots, ready to go!  (It doesn't start till 9:15)  Fisher did great with not a single tear.  We talked and talked about how he is the big boy in his group and needs to help with the babies and not cry the whole time and something must have clicked!  When I picked him up he was patting a baby on the head saying "hi baby".  They said he was a whole new kid and a huge helper with everything.  It was such a huge moment for us!  I wish I had a picture of his face and how proud he was but I will just have to remember the memory of it.  He really is getting so big.  I love how I can talk to him and he understands now. The age 1 to 2 is always the hardest for me.  The not being able to fully communicate and wanting to be independent thing is super frustrating for the both of us.  It really was a break through moment for us.   This picture is Harper and Huck getting ready for the day.  Their love for each other floors me!   

Monday, January 13, 2014


Despite being the first to see a fire and having to call 911 and being by myself with the kids the entire day to past bedtime,  it was a great day where all our tempers stayed in line.  

Friday, January 10, 2014


Story time and flying kites were a huge flop.  Who would have thought the hit of the day would be letting them do the dishes.  Maybe I was trying to hard?

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Hot sauce

Fisher took a swig of hot sauce today.  He hated it, unlike Huck when at his age loved it so much I started having to hide it up high so he would stop drinking it.   Wild boys these two. 


She is looking so grown up today


Huck always has a hint of super hero on him somewhere.  Today he kitchen shopped with the glove on.  Love this kid and his style! 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Over thinking

I overthink everything.  Just choosing a trash company was hard and I'm still not sure that I chose the right one.